Monday, May 20, 2013

Monday Madness

Does America Really Care?

Do we care about Fast and Furious, or the IRS/Tea Party issue, or the AP phone record confiscation, or the fact that poor decision making led to four dead Americans at Benghazi? All the polls pint to the fact that we don't. While technology has progressed to the point where access to information is so easy (maybe too easy), people are busy Facebooking what they are eating, how they feel, what they are doing, and on and on. They seem to care more about their latest Angry Birds score, than they do government actions to stifle freedom of expression.

And what sickens me even more are the actions of people who are actually following the scandal stories. Too many conservatives/Republicans have their eye only on impeachment, while too many progressive/Democrats are willing to do anything to protect their beloved Barack Obama. Pretend Obama isn't even there! What then? Accountability does not simply disappear if Obama is not part of the picture. It's too early to scream "impeach him!" Until then....INVESTIGATE! What's wrong with that my liberal friends? What are you afraid of? Isn't the sanctity of the 1st Amendment and freedom of expression worth it? Isn't there enough evidence in these cases to warrant a deeper look, a Congressional inquiry, maybe even a special investigator?

Doing what's prudent is being lost in the political hyperbole. I was accused of this on Facebook a few days ago, even though all I said was that I was against impeachment but felt that these scandals deserved further looking into. Has reason totally left the room? When it comes to issues of freedoms (Bill of Rights stuff) and the Constitution it should not matter whether we are conservative or progressive. Violating the basic tenants of our government is the same either way. Has partisan bickering come to this. I applaud the handful of Democrats who have said these matters need further investigation and the handful of Republicans who have stated that impeachment talk is ridiculous right now.

Let's be honest with ourselves. Targeting a group because it has the word patriot or constitution in its name is wrong. Seizing phone records with no legitimate probable cause (even if a judge supposedly signed off on it) should be questioned. Ignoring a government that appears to be covering up a situation that led to four dead State Department workers should end in someone being prosecuted or their good name cleared of wrong doing. Who exactly is keeping tabs on the government if we don't?

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