Wednesday, May 8, 2013


And the most insensitive comment of the week goes to.....Rep. Elijah Cummings. He had the nerve to say, during the Benghazi hearings that "death is part of life." Now, few would disagree in general with this statement, but when used in reference to four people serving this nation, it is inexcusable. Even the Ancient Greeks who had a very tragic view of life recognized the difference between death as part of old age, illness, etc. and then death in war. Death in war is sacrifice that deserves respect and honor. Even the Greeks took a low view of generals who made bad decisions or huge blunders that cost the lives of their soldiers. In such cases those generals were at the very least voted out of command and in most cases exiled to a distant land or executed.

So, Mr. Cummings, what happened at Benghazi is much more than your simpleton view that death is part of life. I would be the first to argue that those serving our nation in combat zones know the risk and the possible dangers involved. But, if this is a case of neglect on the part of any military officer, government official, or administration personnel, then someone has to be held accountable. So who knew and when? That's the job of Issa's committee. It is important, not just in terms of Ambassador Stevens and his security detail that were killed but for future diplomatic missions to war torn areas. Who would take on such a task knowing that the government may simply abandon them?

What makes this whole event more suspicious and Watergate-like, is the fact that the administration has tried to cover it up. Like some kid who just wrote on mom's coffee table in permanent marker, they shift the blame. First it was blamed on some YouTube video. Most terrorism experts laughed at that possibility. Then it was a spontaneous protest and was not planned. Now we know that wasn't the case. To put an "official" look on the story, poor Susan Rice is paraded on TV to regurgitate the same nonsense. Between the election, Sandy Hook, sequester, and other "crises" the administration successfully deflected the public's attention. This obviously proved too much for some officials connected with the incident. Some very important and credible people are now testifying before the Issa committee. My friends, that is courage. They know that the Obama smear machine will drag them through the mud but they are testifying anyway.

I have a few theories on this subject. #1-Susan Rice was made National Security Advisor (doesn't require confirmation) so that if Benghazi gets bad she will be the "fall guy," the one who will accept the blame. This is obviously a lame idea because how much power does a UN Ambassador have? But it might be enough to put the scandal to rest. #2-If the Rice plan doesn't work, Obama will throw Hillary under the bus. He probably has information that will not make her look good and it will kill her chances to be the Democratic nominee. Bill will be pissed, because he's so hoping to be the First Dude (or should I say First Player). #3-Obama may very well be impeached by the House. Most Americans have no idea how the process works. Being impeached means you have been officially charged with misconduct and the case then goes to the Senate for a trial. Prediction-if Obama is impeached, he will be found not guilty in the Senate based on a purely partisan vote. Even if incriminating evidence comes out, Obama is the new teflon President. He has swag, charisma, an aura. If he didn't he never would have been re-elected.

So Benghazi will not be another Watergate. Being responsible for four deaths is more serious than ordering a cover-up of a stupid politically driven covert op, but Obama will not be held accountable for the reasons i have listed. Too bad, because this matters. Integrity matters. And Libs, don't lecture me on Bush. This event is a 100% Obama fiasco. From the support given during the Arab Spring to Benghazi, the administration has made a series of blunders. The unfortunate thing is that lives were lost at Banghazi.

1 comment:

  1. Not following the Benghazi hearings however I did read an article pointing out that some 24 people died in embassy attacks during George Bush's 8 years as president. Where was the scrutiny back then? Foreign service is dangerous just like logging construction, NYC bicycle messenger etc. Was there malfeasance in the case of Benghazi? From what I gather the terrorists who attacked Benghazi numbered about 60. There was only one security force contingency in Tripoli, four more guys. Just a prison guard not military expert, do I send them to get slaughtered too?

    Should security have been more robust? Yes! If I ever go to a country that ends in stan or aq. I bringing a posse.
