Friday, June 7, 2013

A Night in the NSA Super Secret Surveillance Cubicle

WARNING: This post is sexually suggestive and/or politically incorrect but all events are pure fiction and only the demented creation of my mind....maybe...muahahahaha!

(Bert and Bertha are NSA analysts)

Bert: Another boring night.

Bertha: No shit! Hey, let's have some fun.

Bert: (In a whispered voice) They might be watching.

Bertha: Who's they? We are they. (Snicker, snicker)

Bert: (Looks left and right conspiratorially). Ok.

Bertha: No friggin' way. Biden is online and his webcam is live. (The main flat screen comes to life. The VP is seated at his desk wearing a tank top and athletic shorts.)


Biden: Baby you look so good caressing that double barreled shotgun.

Internet Babe: Oh yeah. The metal is so shiny, smooth, and........hard.

Biden: It won't fire right if the steel wasn't hard....hee hee hee.

Internet Babe: Ahhhhh...Joey, I love it when it fires its buck shot. The barrels might be short but the blast is huge!

(NSA analysts rolling on floor laughing.)


Bert: Here's a good one. Lois Lerner (IRS supervisor who claimed the 5th) is on her cell with Werfel (interim chief of IRS).

Bertha: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I heard Werfel wants her to testify now.


Lerner: Fu*% you Dan! Miller (recently resigned IRS commish) said if I pled the 5th and stayed quiet Obama would bring me into the West Wing!

Werfel: Things change Lois. We and the service are really under the gun...

Lerner: So I'm to take the fall! You're full of shit. I won't do it.

Werfel: You have to. This comes straight from the top. Refuse and your career is dead.

Lerner: If you throw me under the bus certain photos of you and that cute intern from the mail room might find there way to Mrs. Werfel.

Werfel: You're bluffing.

Lerner: I never bluff, you lil bitch.


Bertha: I think she has bigger balls than he does.

Bert: No shit. Her husband must be a man of steel or wears an apron.

Bertha: Want to spy on POTUS?

Bert: Bertha no.

Bertha: Come on Bert. Michelle is home and the camera in the presidential suite is activated.

Bert: You think he suspects we're spying on him?

Bertha: No way! He's too drunk with power.


Obama: How was your day dear.

Michelle: Don't you "dear" me! I wanted to cold cock this bitch who was heckling me. Can I order the Secret Service to rough her up?

Obama: No Michelle. The Secret Service isn't your own little Gestapo.

Michelle: Then I want you to call Waffle and have her audited.

Obama: You mean Werfel...

Michelle: Damn it Barack, I don't care what his fu#+ing name is. Just have that bitch audited and drain her dry.

Obama: (Caressing her shoulder) Michelle relax. Let me soothe that tension...

Michelle: Get off me! You're still in the dog house for flirting with that ThaiPrime Minister. Whore!.

Obama: But babe I wasn't flirting and that was last November.

Michelle: (Says nothing and points to the door.)

Obama: (Walks out of the bedroom. Secret Service agent hands him a blanket and pillow.). Oval Office, sir?

Obama: (dejected). Yeah.


Bertha: I fu$@ing love his job.

Bert: Me too.


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