Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Happy Hump Day!

My post today continues the education theme I have been dedicating my Tuesday posts to. Like any bureaucracy, there is waste in education...a lot of waste. One example. Every year I have worked in Hanford, California as a history teacher we have received thousands of dollars that must be used for teen pregnancy education. The hope is that through education this societal problem can be fixed. Here's the results. My county, Kings County, has been #1 or #2 in the state every year in the 24 years I have worked here. In fact Kings and Tulare County (our next door neighbor) flip flop from one year to the next for this prestigious title. In those 24 years a quarter million dollars has been spent on pregnancy prevention education in my school district. Do the results justify the cost? And this is just one of many programs that produce no results.

Schools and those entities that fund them must go through a strict auditing process. A business that throws away money on things that are obviously not working won't stay in business for long. The waste of funds like this is just one of many reasons why so many parents are seeking alternatives to public schools. Public schools are opposed to these alternatives because more students means more money (ADA=average daily attendance). Teacher unions are opposed to charter schools, home schooling, online schools and vouchers for the same reason...less money means fewer teachers and most alternatives are union optional.

There are very powerful entities controlling public education, and the only voice the people have is their vote.



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