Friday, March 15, 2013


Scene: A conference call between President Obama, VP Biden, and Dennis Rodman.

BO: D-Rod, great job in North Korea. Did he buy it?

D-Rod: Hell yeah, bro! KIm Long-johns called me Mr. President the whole time. I don't think their eyes are to good over there.

BO: So what's the status of their nuke program?

D-Rod: Yo, man. They ain't got shit. They the Charles Barkley of the world. All bark and no bite. They got some crazy hoes over there though...

Buckshot Biden: (rustles around like he's waking up from a nap) Ahhh, what was that?


Buckshot Biden: Want me to notify Congressman Menendez, Mr. President?

BO: Hell no! That prick has me in enough hot water, and D-Rod, not so loud...Michelle is around.

D-Rod: Oh shit, sorry bro. Don't want you and the misses fighting.

BO: Anyway, Uncle Joe, I'm sending you to the Vatican.

Buckshot Biden: Where?

BO: The Vatican for the inauguration of the new Pope.

Buckshot Biden: Oh, you mean Rome.

BO: Joe, aren't you Catholic? Don't you know where the Pope lives?

Buckshot Biden: I'll be whatever you want boss. Hell, I've been black, hispanic, Jewish, Muslim and gay at some point in my political career. Like you say, boss, whatever gets votes.

BO: It doesn't matter, your staff will get you there.

D-Rod: J-man, the Vat is sick! And my boy from Arica got picked. Can you believe that? A brotha as Pope.

BO: (head drops in frustration) D-Rod, the Pope is from Argentina, not Africa.

D-Rod: So my homie didn't get it?

BO: no.

Buckshot Biden: Hey D-Rod, turn that frown upside down. Like my Pappy used to say, "All's well that ends well."

BO: (Biden and Rodman start talking about a door shooting competition) Now I know how hard H W had it with Quayle as VP.



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