Monday, April 8, 2013

Monday Madness

Congrats John Hopkins-- Whether John Hopkins decided to keep Ben Carson as commencement speaker because it was the right thing to do or from public pressure, I'm glad they did it. Someone as accomplished as him in the medical field is a great choice. As I have stated before, the university should be an open realm of ideas, even if those ideas do not match yours.

Gun Control-- Most effort at the federal level is now focusing on background checks. Being from California such checks are nothing new to me. In fact, a vast majority of gun owners support checks, but the concern is a federal registry. A healthy skepticism of the government is good, and a federal registry is bad news for everyone. It is a precedent I don't think anyone wants. That being said, this is the perfect compromise issue. Most lawmakers could agree on a universal check that prohibits a registry but is more stringent on mental health issues.

It Was Maddening-- They may came up short but Wichita State played a hell of a game.

Not Manliness-- WARNING: Feminists stop reading! I ran across a great site Art of Manliness. I'm reading a great series of articles on the Greek virtue of thumos and Jack London.

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